Neotenia LTD
Based in Milano, Italy
Founding date:
16 January, 2015
Press / Business contact:
Via Ferrari 6
Cusano Milanino, 20095
Milano, Italy
+39 33 94 01 86 72
Neotenia is a project created by Sumero Lira, which intends to produce and publish videogames, books, toys and other instruments aimed to improve the life skills, such critical and analytic abilities. Most of Neotenia game concepts take advantage of modularity, emergent gameplay and procedural generation to provide a rich soil to the player, to develop his creativity, identity and desire of exploration.
Neotenia project borns in 2005 with "I Fantajungla", a first attempt to develop a new type of educational comic, suitable both for children and adults. In the following years the first modular toys are developed, and subsequently the first books and games with the same purpose are produced.
Only in 2015 Neotenia becames a registred company with the aim of launch its product onto the market; in February a Neotenia children book is published in Italy. Now is being published for desktop the first Neotenia videogame, Volvox. In April 2015 Volvox won the National Microsoft Imagine Cup.
Volvox trailer YouTube
There are far more images available for Neotenia LTD, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "Special Winner in Switch to Product 2013" - Animodula, 2013
- "National Winner of Microsoft Imagine Cup" - Volvox, 2015
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Sumero Lira
CEO, Game designer, Programmer, Graphic designer
Sara Bianchini
Communication designer, Graphic designer
Simone Pagani
Sound designer
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks